four sides

The Square

Title poem as seen A-Zine by Transcendental Yogi Partiers Issue One

squawThe Square

In the square, its all the
neighboring realities reside within
A box turned inside
resembles the universe.
If we could pull the universe in-
side out
infinite squares,
and how,
our eyes can not give us answers.
What shape
is a square seen in the 4th
I can tell you.
But what I tell you,
is a photo, a snapshot of a portion
taken from an angle
determined by
where I’m at.
And so I say
sharp angles, try circles, fizzures
and                fishes.
We see four sides so we show it
but what goes unseen is the effect
my fingers have when I drag
more squares just from
touching both sides of a piece of
paper and
infinity ensues:
fractile forms
Form is not form is not form is not form is not for M